Our thoughts and emotions play a huge role in our physical well-being!

Psalms 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” This isn’t just poetic imagery. This is actually what happens within our physical bodies!

Let’s consider the latter part of that verse: “a crushed spirit dries up the bones”. When you think of someone who has a crushed spirit, you most likely think of someone who is overwhelmed by negative emotions such as grief, stress, worry, anxiety, fear, depression…maybe even anger, bitterness, and resentment.

Of course, negative emotions are just part of life. In His perfect wisdom, the Lord created us with the ability to have these emotions, so we are absolutely going to experience them from time to time. But it’s when we allow these negative emotions to overwhelm our thoughts over a long period of time, that health issues will begin to manifest within the body.



You see, negative emotions trigger the fight-or-flight response within the body. “Fight-or-flight” is a beautiful system the Lord created within us as a way to protect us in dangerous situations. However, during this response, all bodily systems are working overtime to help us survive by prioritizing what is most important in that moment. This means anything that isn’t needed for immediate survival is placed on the back burner. Things like digestion, reproductive and growth hormone production, and even tissue repair are all temporarily halted, because our bodies are using all of its energy on the most crucial priorities and functions.

And when the body is constantly triggering the fight-or-flight response during moments of non-threatening situations (through chronic negative thoughts and emotions), bodily functions become out of balance, creating dis-ease within the body. 

This happens due to constant stress on the adrenal glands, the part of the body that supports the fight-or-flight response. When the adrenals work in overtime for too long, it starts to wear down and struggles to support the other bodily systems it is responsible for, such as hormone regulations, metabolism, blood pressure, and the immune system. And where is the immune system created?

…in the bones!

That’s right! Our bones consist of bone marrow, which creates all the red and white blood cells, stem cells, and platelets, which are the very things we need to keep the immune system functioning properly.  And if the adrenals aren’t able to help support the bone marrow, and the bone marrow can’t keep up with producing all the things that go into supporting the immune system (and all the other bodily systems it supports), it can become depleted!

This is what I believe Scripture means when it says, “a crushed spirit dries up the bones,” because the very system that creates all of the things necessary to support our immune system starts to wear down…it begins to dry up!

But the first half of that verse gives us the key to overcoming these dry bones: “A cheerful heart is good medicine!”

That is why it is so important to address these negative emotions by casting all our cares upon Yah [1 Peter 5:7], forgiving those who may have hurt us [Ephesians 4:31-32], confessing our own sins and repent of anything we may have done against others [James 5:16], and focusing on those things that are good, pure, noble, true, and praiseworthy! [Philippians 4:8]

Once we’re able to release all those negative emotions and convert a crushed spirit into a cheerful heart, balance is restored within the body and healing can begin, not just emotionally but physically as well!

So when you find yourself battling a negative mindset, take it to YHVH. Allow Him to work within you to overcome these toxic emotions so you can be healed! And even better, address these emotions before they can take hold and create disease within the body. That way, you can prevent most health issues from ever occurring in the first place!

I hope this message has blessed you! May Yah fill your hearts with healing peace and rejuvenating joy!


Until next time, Shalom!





Food for Thought

Do you suffer from a chronic health condition that medical science doesn't seem to be helping? Does conventional medicine only help manage the issue but not allow it to completely heal? Consider your thought life. Could negative emotions be keeping you sick?

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