With this nasty respiratory crud going around, it’s important to know how to best support you and your family’s health! While most people run to their family doctor or the local drug store at the first sign of illness, there is a better way!


Most medical doctors will tell you to take pharmaceuticals or over the counter drugs at the first sign of illness. Sadly, these chemically based medicines do not help the body heal, but only mask the symptoms and are actually toxic to your body. In turn, they can not only hinder your immune system from doing what it’s designed to do, but they can also come with some pretty nasty side effects!

But praise the Lord, you do not have to turn to these toxic pharmaceuticals or over-the-counter drugs to find relief! That’s because Yah has provided everything we need for immune support and complete wellness in His beautiful creation! (And His medicinal herbs and natural solutions don’t come with all the nasty side effects💊’s do!!)

One of the most POWERFUL remedies for congestion and cough I have found through Yah’s creation is a blend of these essential oils!:

💧Peppermint - known to calm the airways and improve breathing, while also thinning the consistency of mucus to make it easier for the body to expel it.

💧Tea Tree - fights both bacterial and viral infections, reduces inflammation, and loosens mucus. Works together with oregano to break down the bacterial or viral cell walls and eliminate the threat.

💧Oregano - powerful antibiotic, acts as a natural antihistamine, loosens and eliminates mucus buildup and phlegm. It can also soothe throat irritation to suppress coughing fits.

💧Lemon - helps with bacterial sinusitis by killing bacteria and reducing inflammation in the sinuses. It can also help clear the lymphatic system and relieve coughs and a stuffy nose. 

How to use: add 1 or 2 drops of each oil to a mug or bowl of steaming hot water, deeply breathe in the steam until the water cools off and there is no longer any steam coming up from the water. Repeat as needed. You can use this remedy several times a day until symptoms are gone for good!

This remedy works immediately to clear up congestion, relieve lingering coughs, and soothe your entire respiratory system! …And the effects last for HOURS! Plus, it doesn’t just relieve symptoms, but it actually attacks and eradicates the threat causing the symptoms without any dangerous side effects! (Most pharmaceuticals can’t do that…if any!)


[Bonus tip: diffuse this blend through the night to help sooth congestion and cough so you can get a better night’s sleep!]

So stop taking 💊’s that only mask the problem while weakening your own body’s defenses, and start using God’s perfect solutions that not only bring instant relief, but effectively kill off the threat and support your body’s natural immune functions in the process!