I'm a Certified Health Coach [INHC] who specializes in Biblical Principles of Wellness and Spiritual Roots of Disease.
As a follower of Yeshua the Messiah, it is my passion (and calling) to help women struggling with ongoing health issues find hope and healing through YHVH's Word, His Creation, and His Holy Spirit!
But truth be told, I wasn't always so passionate about health and wellness. It happened to be the incredible healing journey the LORD brought me through that set me on this path.
You see, around 2011, I became severely ill with what I later found out was Chronic Late Stage Lyme Disease, Reoccurring Epstein-Barr Virus, and several other co-infections.
Around the same time, I developed a type of PTSD that would trigger debilitating panic attacks. It would eventually get so bad, that I wouldn't be able to leave my house without having an attack!
The mental issues exacerbated the physical diseases...and vice versa.
It became a struggle just trying to keep up with everyday life. I couldn't hold a job or keep up with household chores. I couldn't hang out with friends or even go to church.
I fell into a deep depression as I grieved the life I once had. I felt so alone, so broken, so...hopeless.
Not finding any help from doctors, I ended up self-medicating with alcohol, trying to escape the fact that I was trapped inside a diseased body with a tormented mind. Not only did this make things worse, but it led to full-blown alcoholism.
I was in physical, mental, and spiritual bondage... and it was absolute torture!
...but ABBA!
It was from my rock bottom that I cried out to Abba, Father!
I began to fully surrender myself to Him through diligent prayer and fasting, through humble and heartfelt praise and worship, and through seeking His Word and proclaiming His promises over my life. And WOW! He started showing up in miraculous ways!
Little by little, He began to show me what I needed in order to heal.
First, taking me through a very physical healing process with lifestyle changes, proper nutrition, reducing my toxic load, and natural solutions that He specifically created for our physical wellbeing!
Next, He brought me through a mental and emotional healing process, showing me how to overcome a negative mindset by the renewing of the mind, and by focusing on those things that are true, honorable, righteous, pure, lovely, and praiseworthy! [Phil 4:8]
And finally, He showed me the spiritual roots behind my mental and physical issues, taking me through a process of forgiveness, repentance, renouncement, and deliverance!
Each step brought drastic improvement...but it was only after I went through all three that I was completely healed!
My anxiety, panic disorder, and PTSD ...GONE!
All of my symptoms from Lyme Disease and EBV ...GONE!
My desire for alcohol ...completely GONE! (Even the very taste of it was foul in my mouth!)
I had been set FREE! ...from it ALL!!
Ever since experiencing healing in my own life, I desperately desire for everyone who is struggling with physical, mental, and spiritual issues to experience healing for themselves!
So I went back to school to receive an official health coaching certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, while also learning everything I could about Scriptural and spiritual aspects of health and wellness.
I am now a Biblical Wellness Coach offering one-on-one personalized support and accountability for women seeking hope and healing from a Biblical and spiritually pure standpoint.
Using a whole-being approach, I address physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual areas for complete healing and overall wellness.
If you're tired of struggling to keep up with everyday life and desperately long to better love and serve Yah and others, prayerfully consider working with me!
It's time to take back your life and start functioning in your God-given purpose!
To schedule your FREE Wellness Consultation Call, click the "LET'S CHAT" button below!
During the call, we will discuss your biggest health concerns and how I can best support you in your specific needs to accomplish your health goals and create lasting, positive change in your life.
You don't have to live with ongoing health issues! Healing is possible! I'm living proof!
And I'd be honored to help guide you towards the hope and healing you are desperately seeking!
Looking forward to connecting with you soon!
I am NOT a doctor. While I have graduated from IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) as a certified Health Coach, I have had no official medical training and am by no means telling you that what I say should ever replace the care or advice of a medical professional. There are times doctor visits are absolutely necessary! During those times, I highly recommend seeing a NATUROPATH or FUNCTIONING DOCTOR when available. Please take the time to educate yourself as much as you can and use your best judgement when it comes to you and your family's health.