When we’re suffering from disease and illness, we will diligently pray for healing, we’ll faithfully seek anointing, and we’ll beg and plead with the Lord for any kind of relief!

But sometimes...healing doesn’t happen.

This is really hard to wrestle with! We wonder why we’re not receiving healing when Yah promises to heal us throughout His Word.

We start to assume that because we haven’t been healed yet, our affliction must be God’s will, that it’s our burden to bear, and that healing just isn’t meant for us during this lifetime. We can start to lose hope, and our very faith can be challenged.

But sometimes the answer isn’t a flat out , “NO”!  Sometimes it’s a, “Yes, My child! I would love to heal you! But there’s something you have to do before that can happen.”



Don’t get me wrong, illnesses can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s just time and chance. After all, we are biological beings with biological threats in a fallen biological world. So illness and disease are inevitable! And let’s face it, there really are times when God will say no to healing, no matter how hard we seek Him for it.

But sometimes, our health issues are caused from our own negligence, either knowingly or unknowingly. 

This could include things like bad habits, poor nutrition, a negative mindset…even sin can cause disease within the body! And these things will need to be addressed before healing can occur.

Now sure, Yah can heal any disease at any time…He’s YHVH Rapha, “The LORD who heals”! [Exodus 15:26]

But consider this: why would the Lord heal you of a disease that was caused by something you were either unwilling to change, or you weren’t even aware that it needed to be changed? You would just get sick all over again!

Another thing to consider: why would Yah heal you of an infirmity that was caused by something He wants you to root out of your life? Something that offends Him!? Something you need to repeat of!?  If He were to heal you without you addressing those things, then He would only be enabling you to continue living in sin!

This is why when we’re seeking our Abba, Father for healing and healing doesn’t come, we shouldn’t lose hope! We should use that as a reason to draw even closer to Him! To seek Him more diligently through fasting, prayer, worship, and Scripture. And then be still enough to listen for Him to reveal what’s blocking the healing!

And when Yah reveals these things to you (and He will!), acknowledge them, repent of them, and change what needs to be changed!

Only then will you truly be free to heal!






Join the Discussion

Have you ever sought Yah for healing just for Him to reveal that it was caused by something you would have never thought was connected to the issue? Let us know in the comments below!





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