Everyone has had the occasional upset stomach.  Some of us, more often than we care to admit! Whether it’s from stress, viral infection, food-borne illness, chronic illness, or any of the many culprits that can affect our digestive systems, we can all agree: stomach problems are no fun at all

Personally, I have had digestive issues for years (if not my entire life)!  Not much can take me out and keep me down like tummy troubles, so when I feel a stomach ache coming on, I want to get rid of it FAST!

Because of this, I have done a TON of research on the topic and have tried pretty much every remedy I have found along the way!  Not everything worked, and some of the things offering instant relief weren’t always good for you (some actually causing MORE damage in the long run!).  After years of trial and error, I now have a go-to list of safe and EFFECTIVE remedies for quickly easing an upset stomach, naturally!




#8 – RELAX!

I’m the first one to tell you how difficult it is to just calm down and relax when you’re stomach is in knots and nausea has you dropping to your knees!  But it can be so effective!  

Emotions and stress alone can lead to stomachaches and other digestive problems because your stomach is highly sensitive and full of nerves, just like the brain.  When stress and anxieties raise even more due to your tummy already reeking havoc for other reasons, it can make matters so much worse!  

Focusing on calming our emotions and trying to relax can help ease stomach aches and pains and allow our bodies to focus on what it needs to do most at the moment: heal itself.

When you’re able to calm down, your stomach will start releasing excess tension so you can start getting some relief!


#7 – HEAT

Most women know that applying heat to their lower abdomen will help relieve menstrual cramps, but not everyone may realize how beneficial it can be to a cramping, upset stomach in general, for both men and women alike.

Cuddling up to a heating pad, hot water bottle or an electric blanket when you’re feeling sick can be quite soothing. The warmth on your stomach will distract you from any cramping or pain, and the heat can help to relax your muscles and reduce nausea.



I LOVE peppermint! LOVE it!  It helps soothe and calm nearly every complaint the digestive system throws at it!  The menthol in peppermint is a strong antispasmodic that helps calm spasms in the stomach and intestines.


This antispasmodic activity is useful for preventing vomiting, and relieving gas pains, colic, intestinal cramping, and even minor symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In addition to being anti-spasmodic, it can reduce built-up gas, stimulate the production of bile, and relieve pain.

NOTE: If you suffer from acid-reflex due to GERD, it is best to avoid peppermint when you are dealing with heartburn, as it can increase heartburn and discomfort.



Ginger has been a life-saver for me during some of my worst tummy trials! It has been used for centuries as a stomach remedy for nausea, bloating, and overall stomach upset.  

Ginger helps settle your stomach and get rid of both diarrhea and nausea.  It works to slow an upset GI tract, so it’s great for motion sickness. It also helps to eliminate extra gas from the intestinal tract. 



Apple Cider Vinegar (AVC) is amazing for so many things! SOOO MANY THINGS!!!  I could write an entire blog on this alone (and I just might!) But to stay on our tummy topic, ACV is great for heartburn, indigestion, nausea, stomach cramping, immunity, stomach viruses, and even fighting off food poisoning!  It is one of my go-to tummy remedies I always make sure I have on hand!  It works almost instantly and helps alleviate the actual problem causing your discomfort.

NOTE: Be sure to always use raw, unfiltered ACV with the “mother” from a glass bottle (not plastic!), such as Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.  




When it comes to natural tummy remedies every home should keep on hand, Activated Charcoal (AC) is definitely on my list!  Made from natural materials such as coconut shells, wood, peat, and bamboo, it is heated up until it becomes black and porous, allowing it to act like a sponge to soak up toxins and chemicals.  It was originally used in poison control centers to remove poisons that had been ingested and is often used in certain cases of drug overdoses and accidental poisonings. 

Since then, it has become available at most pharmacies and health food stores as a natural supplement used to treat several stomach issues including, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, gas, bloating, diarrhea, ulcers, and even metal detox.  

AC binds to toxins in the stomach and allows them to be eliminated, rather than being absorbed into the body and causing harm.  It’s especially helpful in treating stomach viruses and food poisoning! And best of all, it’s safe for ALL ages!

NOTE: Activated Charcoal is not the same as regular charcoal! Activated Charcoal, unlike regular charcoal, is food grade and safe to take internally. Powder AC is better on the gut when you’re dealing with nausea.  I would recommend using this Coconut Activated Charcoal Powder, or you can look for a high-quality food-grade capsule to use as well (Be careful, as AC can be very messy and will stain!)



I recently just discovered Bentonite Clay and it didn’t take me long at all to completely fall in love!  I now believe, without a doubt, that this is another household must-have! 

Known in various cultures as “healing clay”, bentonite clay detoxes the body and defends against illness while providing an abundant amount of vitamins and minerals.  The clay is composed of aged volcano ash that is found mostly in Fort Benton, Wyoming, where the clay gets its name. Dry, it is a soft, fine powder, but once it comes in contact with liquid, it expands into a sponge-like substance able to soak up and trap harmful toxins and chemicals!

Similar to Activated Charcoal, Bentonite Clay absorbs and expels toxins and chemicals from your body when taken internally.  It is also known for its ability to absorb and remove heavy metals, impurities, and has even been known to fight various pathogens responsible for diseases, such as E. coli and the virus that causes staph infections!

As a tummy remedy, it has the ability to alleviate many digestive issues, neutralize bacteria in the gut, and even kill viruses (including stomach viruses!)  It is gentle enough to relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnant women, and is a safe way to relieve constipation and help with Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  It is also safe for all ages!

NOTE: Be sure to find a high-quality, food-grade Bentonite Clay from a trusted source! I highly recommend Redmond Bentonite Clay.



Essential Oils are my #1 go-to for everything!  I always keep them on hand for countless reasons, but especially for those moments when my belly decides to get fussy!  They work SO well, usually within minutes! Even when I use any of the above methods, I still combine them with essential oils because of their amazing benefits and quick effect.

Essential oils are the pure, highly concentrated oils naturally found in plants.  The oils are extracted by a process called distillation using the plant’s roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and/or bark.  Because essential oils are so concentrated, they hold the same characteristic fragrance and healing properties of the plant from which it was extracted in a more powerful form, making them extremely useful for countless ways. 

One way is calming a grumpy tummy!   Using a blend of two or more of the belly-friendly essential oils listed below will give you the most effective relief, but using just one on its own can absolutely help!


The best essential oils for an upset stomach:

GINGER – Aids in digestion and pain relief. Helps with constipation, bloating and nausea.

PEPPERMINT – Aids in digestion, relieves pain, soothes upset stomach as well as relieve gas and bloating.

CARAWAY – helps alleviate spasms and cramps, relieves indigestion & gas, and helps speed up digestion.

CORIANDER – improved digestion, eliminates gas, eases indigestion, relieves spasmodic cramps and nausea.

ANISE – helps calm and strengthen the digestive system.

TARRAGON – eases indigestion, gas, intestinal spasms, and nervous or sluggish digestion. Helps maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

FENNEL – promotes digestive health. Helps to relax intestinal muscles and reduce spasms which reduces stomach cramp and pain.

BASIL – improved digestive health, helps alleviate bowel pain and stomach cramps. It is also helpful in treating constipation and removing gas from your intestine.

PATCHOULI – relieves cramping, nausea, and indigestion. Helps ease nervous tension and reduces chances of vomiting by preventing spasms in the gut.

NOTE:  Only pure, quality essential oils should ever be used. DO NOT buy essential oils from a grocery story, Amazon, or any untrusted source.  Due to their high concentration, please use caution when using Essential Oils and always dilute when using topically.  If you would like more information on essential oils or would like to learn what oils I personally recommend, contact me! [For the record, I no longer sell essential oils or recommend buying from MLM companies.]

FREE “Tame Your Tummy” Quick Guide!

 I have created a Quick Guide of all the remedies listed on this blog with instructions on how to use them when tummy troubles decide to attack! It’s in PDF format so you can print it out and hang it up for easy access! Pretty sweet, right?!  



When A Tummy Ache Could be More…

While stomach aches are bound to happen to all of us from time to time, you should not be experiencing ongoing digestive problems. 

If you experience upset stomachs often, I highly recommend looking into a Functioning Doctor who will be able to help you figure out the root cause of your condition. 

Since chronic stomach issues could mean so many different things, such as food allergies, chronic infections, leaky gut, auto-immune issues, and even stress and anxiety, a proper diagnosis is so important in order to get the treatment you need to allow your gut, and body as a whole, to fully heal.  







Join The Discussion

Even though these are my personal go-to natural remedies for tummy aches, they're definitely not the only ones!!  Do you have an additional natural tummy remedy you use is your home?! Share it with us in the comments below!


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